Wednesday, 1 April 2020

What is Microsoft Office Excel?

What is Microsoft Office Excel: Welcome to the Microsoft Office Excel for beginner to professional tutorial here; you can read articles online here related to Microsoft Office Excel from beginners to professional. I will try my best to help you. As we know that Microsoft Office Excel is a leading spreadsheet to manipulate data and most of organizations and individuals are using it. If you are looking for an easy and efficient way to learn and become master of Excel then absolutely you are in the right place.

Microsoft Office Excel for beginner’s tutorial is divided into many parts having huge practical and activities here. Once completed entire tutorial then you will be able to do installation of Microsoft Office into our PC and Laptops as well as master of excel.

To start with first I will discuss about the definition of Microsoft Excel – What is meaning of Microsoft Office Excel?

What is Microsoft Office Excel?
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Microsoft Office Excel is a software program which was produced by Microsoft, it allows us to organize – format of data and calculations with various formulas and functions using a spreadsheet system. As Microsoft Office Excel is a part of the Microsoft Office suite that’s why it is compatible with other application programs in the Office suite.

As we know that Microsoft Office Excel is a commercial spreadsheet application program which was produced and distributed by Microsoft for Microsoft Windows and Mac Operating Systems. It features the ability to perform basic calculations, using graphing tools, create pivot tables as well as macros.

Microsoft Office Excel has the same basic features as all spreadsheet applications have, it use a collection of cells arranged into rows and columns to organize and manipulate data. We can also display data as in charts, histograms and in line graphs.

Microsoft Office Excel permits us to arrange data so as to view various factors from different perspectives. Microsoft Visual Basic is used for applications in Microsoft Office Excel, allowing us to create a variety of complex numerical methods. Programmers are given an opportunity to code directly using the Microsoft Visual Basic editor including Windows code, debugging and code module organization. For more details you can visit the Wikipedia.

We will discuss upcoming topics in next part. So please take care of you.

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You can see more relevant tutorials on Microsoft SQL Server at portal by following links given below –


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